RST-012S 320mm Race Style Suede Steering Wheel with Black stitch

RST-012S 320mm Race Style Suede Steering Wheel with Black stitch

RST-012S 320mm Race Style Suede Steering Wheel with Black stitch

SKU FXP.00627 ?RST-012S Category Tag

Offering the largest selection of steering wheels in the market today
Our Patented short hub allows the use of the quick release while retaining close-to-stock dimensions
offers the only dual spring self-indexing quick releases in the market
We at pride ourselves for not only being enthusiast operated, but founded by car lovers and pioneers of the growing scene. Whether we’re working on one of our sponsored vehicles or even our own in house projects, we make sure to put every single product to the test so that we can consistently bring you the strongest, and highest quality products.

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